The PA2S 50 MHz Tape Archives

I have been active on 50 MHz since 1978. It started with building a converter, because we were not allowed to transmit on 50 MHz in The Netherlands. At first, in the summer of 1978, only noise was observed. Television signals were the best I could get! But in the spring of 1979, I switched on my six metre rig and tuned... It was incredible: the ZS6PW beacon could be heard!

I have always had a tape recorder at hand in my shack. As soon as things got hot, the deck was started...
In early 1996, I put some clips online, using RealAudio coding.
As far as I know, I was the first to use this concept...
This page became very popular very soon, so I decided to add more clips. Over 1 MB of content is available now.

Please note that my call changed from PA2HJS to PA2S.

You will need a RealAudio player to play the clips.
I noted that these guys at RealAudio no longer offer a free downloadable player to play the files.
I recommend to download and install this player: Real Alternative
The Cycle 23 recordings are now on-line in MP3 format.

Check the VK3OT Tape Archives

Listen to fragments from my 50 MHz tape archives:

Solar Cycle 21

Solar Cycle 22

Solar Cycle 23

Cycle 23-24 - Es

This is just a very small fraction of what I have been recording over the years. It shows how good the propagation sometimes was.

In 1996 I said on this page: "Let us just hope that cycle 23 will add quite a few interesting clips to my archives!"
Cycle 23 was not as good, but produced a number of interesting openings, as you can learn from the audio clips.
Early 2003, the solar activity has dropped to such a low level that F2 openings will be very unlikely. It looks like we will have to wait until cycle 24 will become productive...

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