Category Archives: Technical articles

Do we really need this crap?

Do we really need this crap?

This article drew my attention. Another story about “Megahertz” wireless power transfer. If something is going to kill radio communications, this is spot on: Wireless power transfer Old school efficiency There were times we had trains. Electric trains. In The Netherlands, most railway lines use electricity to convey power to the locomotives (like this one… Continue reading »

The Fox and Hounds

Today, I stumbled upon a write-up of Joe Taylor, K1JT about developing a version of FT8, intended to be used by DXpeditions. In spite of the fact, that I do not favour FT8, especially because it takes out the lower tier of the signal to noise range, I consider this an interesting and valuable development…. Continue reading »

The FT8 frenzy

It is quite obvious that the internet helps to spread news very fast and thus, a real FT8 explosion took place. On busy moments there is a myriad of stations and it is impressive to watch how good the WSJT-X software decodes the whole bunch every 15 seconds. Hats off for the developers! The FT8… Continue reading »

Simple steerable array

Simple steerable array

Trying to improve reception on 60 metres, many experiments followed, but nothing worked… It reminded me about Catweazle, a  wizard in a TV series that ran during the early seventies. Numerous receive antennas were tried, but none of them outperformed my dipole. Close to the dipole were a flag and a resonant loop. The flag… Continue reading »

The next threat:

In PA-land, the telephone network is underground. Overhead telephone lines are a thing from the past here. I do not know of interference cases, which does not mean that interference does not exist. As the industry tries to find ways to make money increase the bandwidth, new standards are developed. One of them is…. Continue reading »

Wind farms: more noise coming

A paper, prepared for the upcoming IARU Region 1 conference, raised another alarm bell for me. Although up till now, no wind farms are near my QTH, but from the IARU paper, it can be learned that wind farms cause interference at distances up to several kilometres! Here is the report:Radiated RF emissions from wind… Continue reading »